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[solved]Blog question

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[solved]Blog question Empty [solved]Blog question

Post  Aus Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:41 am

I was going to ask this over in the 'old' group but I'll ask here. No great rush to answer but I'm curious.

I'm only new to making scrapkits and putting them up for people to use......mainly PSP sigtaggers. But I have a PSP group and we have a weekly tutorial challenge where members are given a tut to do and then do their 'version' of it.

Now it seems that a lot of the tutorial writers these days, just get kits, be they paid or free, and the whole tut consists of just copying and pasting papers and elements from scrapkits.
And where are they directing people to to get the kits..........Blog pages. (Predominately the one that has that little orange block with the b on it.)

Now I want to know why people are using them as they seem to be the 'flavour of the day'.
And its twice as bad since MSN ditched the Groups.

They are a right pain to can only see the last couple of posts, then have to go back through pages and pages of anything and everything that is posted to try and find something. Even going to the lists that some put up like a 'menu' Templates, Free Kits, PTU Kits still have to go back and trawl through pages to try and find the kit thats required to do the tut.

Why the Blog sites instead of a freebie website, where they can be permantly displayed and all grouped together for each section.???

I have all my things split into pages for each thing, Papers, Elements, Kits etc. As soon as someone opens the page they can see what they are after. Mind you I only have a few things there yet cos I'm still learning.......but eventually I'll just add a second page when the first one looks too ful lol

I'm just really curious about this thats all. I know each to their own, but from 'the other side of the fence' they are infuriating. A lot of my members wont even go to them now if the tut says its a Blog site cos of this.

I'd love to hear your opinions/reasons those of you that have them please.


Last edited by LauraLee on Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : [solved]Blog question)


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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  Lady Shannon Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:51 am

Well the only thing here I can comment on are the blogs. Most people today are just too... umm how to say this.... lazy to get the direct post URL. Maybe they think that people will just stick around to get there designs. I don't know but in the picture I show how to get the direct URL. Other than that I have never made any tags

Wish I could be more help

[solved]Blog question HowTo_03-3
Lady Shannon
Lady Shannon

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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  Aus Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:31 pm

Ok....I'll try that. Something I didn't know to get a direct URL.

If this is how its done then it might be something for tut writers to know.
But I think possibly because of the Bloggers TOU they may require just the link to their blog
so that it makes people look through everything on the site.

Usually, unfortunately, it means someone has to spend ages trying to find the kit or whatever it is that they need to do their tutorial.

But I'll mention it to the Moderators that put up the Tut challenge each week that maybe they need to find the kit required on the Bloggers site and put a link like you explained.

See how we go.



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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  Lady Shannon Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:07 am

I know if I were looking to do a TUT and the blog advertising the TUT didn't at least provide me with a link to that kit that was used I personally would move on to something else. But as I said that just me. I get an idea and I want to run with it. I don't want to spend hours looking for the kit. Heck, by the time I find it I've more then likely lost interest in it. But again... that's just me.

This is how I posted a TUT on here. It has the link to the TUT and to the kit used.

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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  Aus Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:45 am

I know if I were looking to do a TUT and the blog advertising the TUT didnt at least provide me with a link to that kit that was used I personally would move on to something else. But as I said that just me. I get an idea and I want to run with it. I dont want to spend hours looking for the kit. Heck, by the time I find it Ive more then likely lost interest in it. But again... thats just me.

I want it to be easy and fast for those who visit me so they will visit again and again


Nice kit too!!!! Wink


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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  Lady Shannon Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:42 am

awww thanks... personally I hated it. I couldn't see what anyone could do with it. That designer surprised me when she sent me the link. I was impressed with what she could do.

I love this new chit chat. No one ever seemed to talk in the other forum except me and LauraLee. This is fun. :bom:
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Lady Shannon

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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  southernlady Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:46 am

Another reason people use blogs instead of websites is that websites TYPICALLY require domain names (read $ per year to register) and a place to host (also read $ per month to park it someplace, and yes I know there are free ones but you pay with adds and no control as to getting your database if you want to move it).Web sites also require a knowledge of FTP and html to code, bloggers usually don't require that much knowledge to get one up and running intitially. At least basic ones and you can get themes for free. Even if you never learn to code the blog, you can have a reasonably decent blog. Liz

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[solved]Blog question Empty blog question

Post  RhondaSue Sun Jun 28, 2009 5:04 pm

I agree with most stated. I do a blog because I do NOT have knowledge or money for doing a website. BLOGGER has made blogging very easy. I am learning more and more as I try to do different things, but still not near ready to do a full blown website! Generally if things get shared, I prefer the direct link to that specific item in mention too. AND...if there is a link shared without a preview I have to make a decision if I even want to go to that link. Once, I've gotten to the link and saved what I went for, I have enough knowledge of how to move around a blog that I can pursue seeing the rest of the blog if I have time or maybe save the link to go back to it later when I have time. Most times if the link shared it to the blog and not the specific post it is because most folks think they might get more "customers/followers" if they see the whole blog and what the other goodies are being offered. If people use descriptive tags on their posts, you should be able to find just about anything easily enough if you go to the Blog Archive list.

I'm sorry you've had such a bitter taste of blogs because all in all, they are a great tool for sharing and snagging.



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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  Aus Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:12 pm

Thanks for your thoughts.

But see thats the bottom line with the blogs.......most people dont have the time to go hunting through pages of things to find a specific kit listed in a tut or in some cases a tutorial.

There are a few places where one can get a free website. Our artist group uses these as they don't like blogs either.
Even I began with a free one from Bravenet. The WYSIWYG editors (which I'm thinking is how they'd make a blog) is ver easy to use. I might that I do have a account but never tried to make a blog as for a start I couldn't figure out how to even begin!!! Neutral

I know from a PSP side of things where we use scrapkits to make the sig tags, that we be steering clear of the Blog sites, which is a shame because theres a lot of great stuff out there on offer.


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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  LauraLee Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:25 am

In my opinion if your are advertising a freebie or tut or kit...then you should link the preview to the direct if and or but about it. I spend a lot of time finding the direct link and adding it to the post so our members don't get frustrated while looking for what was dangled in front of their face.

Personally I like to look around after I get what was advertised.

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[solved]Blog question Empty Re: [solved]Blog question

Post  southernlady Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:44 am

LauraLee, I do too because you never know what you might find. Liz

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